Sinopis Seminar Diponegoro Oleh Peter Carey - suara-onlin
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Sinopis Seminar Diponegoro Oleh Peter Carey

Posted by Unknown
suara-onlin, Updated at: March 15, 2017

This two-day conference on 'Imagining Doponegoro: The Uses and Abuses of History in the Creative Arts' brought together ten invited speakers - all from Infonesia - and four members of the Goethe Institu's 'aku Diponegoro' curatorial home team (Peter Carey, werner Kraus [persentationns made in absentia], Sadiah Boonstra and Nebojsa Djordjevic).

The four sessions were all well attenaded with an average of 60 participants at each session, the largest number (80) being registered at the first session on Islam and leadership at which Professor Azyumardi Azra ( former UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Rector) and Yai Ahmad Baso of the Nahdlatul Ulama central office both made highly relevant and well-informed persentations.

Session 1 (Leadership and Islam; The Case of Diponegoro and the Java War', Friday, 27 February, 0930-1100) Of the four session, which started at 0930 on Friday,27 February, and ended at 1330 on Saturday, 28 February, the most remarkable was the opening session on 'Leadership and Islam; The Case of Diponegoro and the Java War'.
This was because the subject matter is central to an understanding of Diponegoro's war aims, the ideological character of the conflict anf the causes for the breakdown in thr relationship between the prince anf his principal relugious adviser, Kyai Mojo (circa 1792-1849).

Kyai Ahmad Baso, particular, was able to use direct references to the recently romanised four-volume version of the Babad Diponegoro Javanese (aksara Jawa) text currently kept in the National Library to great effect.

In fact, both Yai Ahmad Baso and Prof Azyumardi complemented each other very well with presentations which looked respectively at the internal and external dynamics of the religious dimensions of the conflict.

Pc also distilled Werner Kraus's reflections on the possible Shattari influences on Diponegoro's Islamic practice and mystical experience.

Given the wralth of new material presented anf the critical stance taken y the presenters to Diponegoro's war aims and santri credentials, ut wad unfortunate that the discussion had to be truncated due to yai Ahmad Baso's travel schedule and the demands of the sholat Jum'at (Friday Mosque prayers).

It is clear that a future discussion based on this theme of leadership and Islam might attract a considerable audience. As it was, questions before the session was brought to a close promptly at 11 a.m.

By: Yai Ahmad Baso

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